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本篇文章给大家谈谈英语足球报告,以及英国足球介绍英文版对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、英文翻译下关于《天下足球》的栏目介绍...





天下足球是中央电视台体育频道的一个以报道国际足坛最新赛事和新闻为主的栏目,播时间为每周一晚CCTV-5 19:30—21:25,每期115分钟,天下足球之所以选择在周一晚上播出是因为国际上的足球赛事大都是在周末进行,而对于中国球迷来说,由于时差的原因,很多在北京时间周一凌晨进行的比赛就无法收看现场直播,那么有了这么一档全景似的介绍过去一周世界足坛赛事精华的节目,就可以很大程度上弥补中国球迷的遗憾。

Total Soccer is a program of CCTV sport channel, in which mainly reports the latest matches and news regarding International soccer field. The timetable is 19:30—21:25 in CCTV-5 channel each Monday, it takes 115 min. The important football matches are usually held during weekend, that is why Total Soccer chooses Monday evening as transmission time. In another hand, Chinese football fans hardly watch matches in live taking place in midnight because of time zone. This program ,in fact, completes this missing considerately through reviewing interesting matches happened all over the world in last week.


The slogan of Total Soccer is “ the purest football , the most advanced enjoy” . for Chinese football fans, the European high-level football matches are perfect. What Total Soccer would do is to provide audiences the best part of the most wonderful watches and let them enjoy a pure and total football evening in almost 2hours.


The another speciality of Total Soccer is that program is divided into many sub-programs and thus sub-programs are becoming favourite brands with large audiences’ support. That include “Soccer Heavyweight", "Absolute Superstar" , "TOP10" and so on.


“Soccer Heavyweight” is a program presenting key matches of international football field during last week. It occupies ¼ time of whole program.


"Absolute Superstar” focuses on football superstars’ growing and experience. Audience can recognize their experience as football player though this sub-program.






在足球比赛的实践中,运动员或教练员所获得的成功经验、失败教训都是极其宝贵的,它给人以深刻的印象。比赛后进行认真总结是为了更好地强化和发扬本队的优势,找出不足,为本队下场比赛方案的制定提供科学依据,还能将认识从感性提高到理性,提高分析和解决问题的能力,从而促进队员的全面成长,不断提高球队的比赛能力。 1. 参加足球比赛后的个人总结与反省 赛后个人的总结要做到实事求是,不能太计较胜负与得失,要敢于面对自己的缺点与不足。个人总结的内容一般有以下几个方面: ①自己是否能够贯彻教练员的意图,是否完成自己的任务。这主要体现在执行作战方案的坚决性和灵活性以及完成位置职责的效果等方面。 ②在涉及到直接得失分、险球、关键球和机会把握的能力与处理情况。 ③自己运用技、战术的合理性和准确性如何,创造性和应变能力表现如何。 ④自己的体能状况,以及身体素质其他方面的表现情况如何。 ⑤自己在比赛中的心理稳定性、思维的清晰程度、意志品质等方面的表现。 ⑥自己的比赛作风怎样。如对待观众、对手以及裁判员的判罚等表现情况。 ⑦自己应该学习对手的长处和吸取的教训是什么,今后应该怎样改善和努力。 2. 赛后知不足而进取 俗话说:知耻而后勇。我们进行总结并不是在讨论是非对错,而是要找出自己的不足,通过解决这些问题而使我们水平更上一个层次,这才是总结的真正目的所在。因此在总结时我们的态度应该是积极的,要学会用一分为二的观点来进行,即在胜利中要看到不足,从积极因素中找出不利因素。经过总结之后,我们就要根据总结得出的经验和教训来改善自己的训练。训练时要有针对性,针对自己暴露出来的缺点与不足,设计训练方法,让队员反复加以练习直到较好的解决这方面的不足。



你TM写 你写了老子跟你急~!



Dear Mr.....

I am xxx.I am x years old now. I am interested in sports,especially soccer. I want to join the soccer team and be a soccer player.I am hard-working and talented in playing soccer.My favorite soccer player is Neymar.I want to be a successful player as him.If I am a player,I will keep on playing soccer every day. I know that practicing makes perfect.so I won't give up until the last minute.


This Friday, our school held a school football match, five students from each class to play football game. Yesterday afternoon, our class five three and class five one in a fierce game, now let me introduce you to the situation!

Friday afternoon, our class students came to the playground, this is the boys, each class to choose five boys to play football, our class is the green team, class five one is red. First toss a coin to decide who will play first, then shake hands, to show the other side of politeness. And we started the intense football: football as a popular good things, you grab me also rob to kick the football into the door. Suddenly, the red team's players finishing touches, see will be the goal, our goalkeeper Fu Zhanpeng all of a sudden clinging to the the ball, is we did not account for the underdog.

The green team players grab the football towards quasi goal hard kick, our class classmate eyes have been staring at the football, the in the mind has been in the cry: ah, fast ah! For us to win a valuable point. "Oh dear! This is too pit father! This is not into!" Too bad, the ball was stopped by the red team's goalkeeper. The referee said, "pause and take a minute." Both players sat on the lawn to rest. One minute past, the game is open, red team up to football in the Lao Gao. However, not too few minutes, is the students of our class put football into the goal. "Oh yeah!" All the classmates in our class cheered. Finally, our class won the 1:0 score. This fierce game came to a final, but have not seen how fun, hope later than a.




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