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本篇文章给大家谈谈科比中央新闻视频,以及科比退役央视新闻对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、哪里可以看到科比退役战的回放?...











想念如果会有声音,不愿那是悲伤的哭泣 。第一位上台演讲的是瓦妮莎,虽然她一再调整情绪,但第一句话眼里就已经含着泪花。





演讲的最后,乔丹深情地表示:“当科比去世的时候,我的一部分也随他而去了。” (When Kobe Bryant died, a piece of me died )。







他曾经说过一句话:“如何判断一个人的一生有多伟大,看看他去世后的样子你就知道了。”追思会尾声,全场的球迷高呼KOBE! 斯台普斯大屏幕上还在滚动播放着科比生前和GIGI的照片,凌晨4点,追悼会结束。

这是让我心神皆乱的凌晨四点,因为科比不会再起来看看洛杉矶的样子。以前熬夜看你的圣诞大战 ,看你的奥运会决赛 。今天,是陪你熬的最后一次。


Mamba Mentality Forever!

求科比视频。heal the world 中央五在转与太阳的季候赛中播放的

The celtics and the lakers' final game 5 in TD, north garden after a battle, finally, the celtics to 92-86, will always beat the lakers became a 3-2 lead. Game, Bryant scored 27 shots in the 13th, 38 points, but he still can't help the lakers victory.

The fourth quarter with 6:48 seconds, the lakers counter, Derek fisher has just launched nearly three points to the basket floater ball will throw a purple, near the figure to an arrow from the flanks to the basket, as kobe Bryant is! Because he dives sites, and fisher basket too far from the ball velocity is very fast,cheap basketball jerseys, Bryant in the air after the ball will find it difficult to directly into a basket, he good control of their body weight, one-handed catch directly after flick, will hit the ball into the basket after the board.

An attack, Bryant again after the leg showed his magical place on the right wing, artest breakthrough encountered opponents lane-packing, he finally back to distance three and two metres at hand, kobe Bryant, time is running out, after the catch directly chose distance shoot ball unexpectedly, notably a perfect arc secure falls into a basket. See the magical goals, the bench wade is constantly shake for kobe Bryant, the magic and sigh.

Wade absolutely have the reason for Bryant thumbs up, you may not know, this is kobe Bryant in the third quarter, the first quarter was 17 points in the third quarter, at this time, the remaining six: 09, i.e., Bryant in less than six minutes he scored 17 points. The third quarter, the lakers is completely on Bryant's offense, with the support of other teammates even a chance to get.

This game Bryant played and not problem-free, he threw in the first half of April 12 scored 10 points, shooting only 30%. But the third quarter, Bryant's hand suddenly hot up, he from the start of the third quarter opens the attack mode of madness. Compared with half, Bryant played more decisive, he have no more after the catch, but direct shoot, he becomes an incredible shooting. He shot hit the rim in threes in rebounds after tumbling into the basket, still can hardly help Bryant in god.

Until the third quarter with 2:15 seconds before the third quarter, the lakers scored 19 points, while the 19 points unexpectedly from kobe Bryant's hands. Kobe Bryant with his power in the fight against Celtic five rivers have made very close to Bryant, who also decorate can stop him from scoring. The celtics only can do is not to let Bryant teammates to provide more support. But want to deal with the lakers, this is the most effective way.

Less than six minutes of scored 17 points, such as kobe Bryant this feat afraid of god to do, but in player kobe Bryant magical and we must also be seen by Bryant, the lakers couldn't beat the celtics a power of the team. Besides Bryant, the lakers team 38 points, pau gasol scored in double only one, but only 12 points. See not hard,NBA Jerseys 33 points hiding behind many hidden trouble, the lakers want to win, Bryant's teammates must stand up to count Bryant scoring binge, the lakers will win to take championship.




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